Types of casino dice games

In games with dice, dice are tossed by hand or glass, then tossed or rolled so that they unfold on their random sides. The result is calculated from the upper, visible faces. The combination of points makes the final sum.


The game was a hit in the London clubs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and is still common today. This is the ancestor of craps. Two competitors take part, using a pair of dice.
First, bets are made, then the participant rolls the dice. The first roll determines the “point”, it can be any number in the range of 5-9. On the second roll, he wins if he rolls a “point” and a number of other numbers according to the established scheme. If he rolls a smaller number – defeat. Or gets a chance on a roll of 4-10. Often the rules are amended in one way or another.

Craps Casino Game

Craps (crapshooting) originated in America. Invented by blacks who nearly 200 years ago began playing Hazard in the New Orleans area, but adjusted the rules. In 1907, there was the first bookie (aka banker) on craps, it was John Wynn. He also went down in history as the inventor of open craps, in this kind of extra interest is betting between opponents. Then came craps with a bank, which involves betting with the establishment.

craps casino

Over time, craps became the most popular casino game for Americans and spread to other continents. European, African and Asian gambling houses believed the famous game would attract wealthy foreign visitors.

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There are several types of craps, such as private (in the amateur circle), with the bank (use an analogue of a pool table with a markup), cash (betting in the presence of a casino representative), New York (popular in the Bahamas).

The standard rules involve a pair of dice and any group of participants. The first “thrower” is selected by voting. He can throw a “natural” (11 or 7), which is equal to the passing score. Or a craps (12, 3, or 2) is a losing score, i.e., a “missout.” Other numbers add up to a “point” or “point. You roll before a pass or a missout occurs. After a pass, the dice can be passed to another if desired.


An old game that is virtually unheard of in today’s casinos. But it is loved by participants in English and American festivals and other holidays. It uses a table with markings on the cloth and applied numbers up to and including six. Next to it there is a cage made of wire and three dice.

The size of the stakes is discussed in advance. When they are made, the cage with the dice is turned over. The numbers on the fallen sides show the total. For example, a participant bets on 3. In this case, a 3 on one die will provide a payout of 1:1, on two – 2:1, on all – 3:1. The banker takes a share of the bets.

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